Quaker Links

Friends Tabernacle Bible School, 1905

Our Roots Start in Alaska and Indiana

Quakers were in Alaska as early as 1867 as whalers, teachers, and missionaries. In 1887 Elwood Weesner and William Bangham established a mission on Douglas Island near Juneau. George Harvey was one of the original members of the Douglas Monthly Meeting of Friends, established in 1897. Charles and May Replogle were convinced Friends from Indiana. Charles was a recorded minister in Western Yearly Meeting, Indiana. At the request of Kansas Yearly Meeting, Charles and May Replogle went to Douglas to head the mission work in 1893.

Friends Beginnings in Washington

George Harvey moved to Everett in 1900 at which time George Harvey and William Philpott started a Sunday School. In 1904 the Everett Monthly Meeting of Friends wass established and Charles Replogle was called as pastor.

The establishment of Seattle Monthly Meeting of Friends

In 1905 George Harvey and his family moved to a new home in Seattle on Dearborn Street. George put a tent on the vacant lot next door, initiating Seattle Friends’ beginning in a tent, with a straw floor, folding chairs and a low platform. In 1905 Seattle Monthly Meeting of Friends was established with an opening minute: “At a Meeting of Friends held in Tabernacle, Dearborn Street, Seattle, State of Washington. USA. 7th Mo 10th 1905… The minute of Winchester Quarterly Meeting to Everett Monthly Meeting granting the request for the establishment of a Monthly Meeting of Friends in Seattle has been read and accepted by us.”

History from 1905 to 2021

For a comprehensive read of the history of Seattle Monthly Meeting of Friends, also known as Friends Memorial Church and later as North Seattle Friends Church, read “ReBuilding: A Series of Surprises (A History of North Seattle Friends Church)” by Philip Cosand.

Church Documents for Download

While the church was founded in 1905, in 2018 North Seattle Friends Church updated the legal documents, creating Restated Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. A pdf copy of those documents is below.

2018 Restated Articles of Incorporation

2018 Bylaws Approved

ReBuilding: A Series of Surprises (A History of North Seattle Friends Church)

Sierra-Cascades Yearly Meeting of Friends Sierra-Cascades Yearly Meeting
Join us in building an inclusive coalition that uses Quaker process to discern who we are, to find common ground, to help us identify the continuing steps in our life together as part of Sierra-Cascades Yearly Meeting of Friends. Our first official Yearly Meeting gathered in May 2018. The Sierra-Cascades Yearly Meeting of Friends is a voluntary association of meetings, churches, and individuals that supports worship, ministry, and service through the cultivation of Christian faith in the Quaker tradition. We are led by the Spirit to commit ourselves to recognizing the full participation of LGBTQ+ people in all aspects of the life of Sierra-Cascades Yearly Meeting of Friends. This community of Meetings, Churches, and individuals yearns to follow Christ as our Present Teacher while freeing each other to live out our callings as a people of God. North Seattle Friends Church is a member of Sierra-Cascades Yearly Meeting of Friends along with several other churches and individual members. We invite you to participate in this exciting new venture!

Behind Meetinghouse is this idea that the closer a person is to the cultural margins, the more likely she is to see the truth of who we are, how we are, and why we’re stuck – the more able she would be to bring the kind of prophetic words we need. There are more than 40 writers and over 100 short essays engaging issues of authenticity, community, justice, equality, simplicity, peace, and creation care. Meetinghouse is an imprint for Barclay Press.

Barclay PressBarclay Press
Barclay Press is a Friends (Quaker) ministry connecting people to the way of Christ and to each other. The bookstore has a selection of Quaker books along with titles that address justice, compassion, spirituality, Christian outreach, and Christian living.

Quaker Colleges, Universities and Study CentersQuaker Colleges
A list of Quaker colleges, universities, and study centers is provided by Friends Association of Higher Education, which is a consortium of Quaker colleges and scholars.

Friends World Committee for Consultation — FWCCFWCC
Friends World Committee for Consultation encourages fellowship among all the branches of the Religious Society of Friends. In the Americas, the Quaker community extends from the Arctic to the Andes, spanning a rich diversity of regional cultures, beliefs and styles of worship. FWCC Section of the Americas offers programs that unite Friends across the hemisphere through Spirit-led fellowship.

Friends United Meeting — FUMFUM
The Friends United Meeting community stretches far and wide across the globe. We are a collection of Christ-centered Quakers, embracing thirty-seven Yearly Meetings and Associations, thousands of local gatherings and hundreds of thousands of individuals. Joined together through our shared experience of God and united in common ministries, we form a beloved fellowship that is powerfully at work in our local areas and through cross-cultural service. From the Caribbean to Palestine, Africa to North America and scattered places in between, FUM is building a global partnership in a season of history when much of the world is being stretched and strained by cultural, political, and geographic differences. An important part of our work and witness is to express the love and peace of Christ with one another, believing God is transforming us into a people who are more lovely and whole than we could ever be on our own. As we are powerfully energized by the Holy Spirit, equipped for faithful service and leadership, and deeply connected to one another, we experience a unity that transcends our diversity.

Friends General Conference — FGCFGC
Friends General Conference provides services and resources for individual Friends, meetings, and people interested in the Quaker way. FGC is an association of regional Quaker communities in the U.S. and Canada working together to nurture a vital Quaker faith. The work of FGC can be summarized into three areas of endeavor: help meetings deepen Quaker worship and practice, support a loving Quaker community, and support Quaker outreach.

Evangelical Friends Church International — EFCIEFCI
Evangelical Friends Church International exists to help local Friends churches around the world meet the spiritual needs of their communities. Our desire is to stretch across racial, cultural, national, even denominational barriers to reach people with the life-changing love of Christ. Over 1,100 Evangelical Friends churches representing more than 140,000 Friends in 24 countries are actively carrying out this critical mission.

Friends Committee on National Legislation — FCNLFCNL
The Friends Committee on National Legislation lobbies Congress and the administration to advance peace, justice, opportunity, and environmental stewardship. Founded in 1943 by members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), FCNL fields an expert team of lobbyists on Capitol Hill and works with a grassroots network of tens of thousands of people across the country to advance policies and priorities established by our governing General Committee. FCNL is a nonpartisan organization that seeks to live our values of integrity, simplicity, and peace as we build relationships across political divides to move policies forward.

Quaker Voice on Washington State Public PolicyQuaker Voice
Quaker Voice on Washington State Public Policy is composed of members of the Religious Society of Friends who bring spiritual values to bear on public policy decisions. Our public policies grow out of our basic belief that there is that of God in every human being and that God’s love endows all creation with worth and dignity. Through individual and corporate worship, we try to be open to the will of God and to express God’s spirit in all relationships and levels of interaction, whether personal, community, state, or global.

Quaker Voluntary Service — QVSQVS
Quaker Voluntary Service is an 11-month experiment, living at the intersection of transformational spirituality and activism. Young adults work full-time in professional positions at community based organizations addressing a wide range of issues, while living in a cooperative house and worshiping with, and being mentored by, local Quakers. They receive housing, transportation, food, health insurance, and a small stipend, while engaging in regular self-led workshops and retreats that allow for continuing education in social justice, faith, and community building topics.

Quaker MapsQuaker Maps
This website is a resource to get a better sense of what the Religious Society of Friends (also known as the Friends Church) looks like and where Meetings are located. Friends are a peculiar people, and although we are only a tiny portion of the population even in the areas where we have the strongest presence, we are all over the United States and the world. While there are some parts of the United States where Quakers are very rare, Friends Meetings and churches can be found across the country.

Quaker SpeakQuaker Speak
QuakerSpeak is a Quaker YouTube channel. We interview Friends of all different backgrounds and ask them the core questions of our faith. QuakerSpeak interviews are personal and intimate. We seek to give viewers worldwide an experience that is entertaining, informative, inspiring, challenging, inviting, unifying and collaborative. New videos come out every Thursday. The most current video is below.

Quaker Life MagazineQuaker Life
Quaker Life: A Mosaic of Friendly Living is a quarterly collection of reflections, stories, and art by modern Friends telling their first-person, experiential stories of what it looks like to live as a Friend in today’s world. The magazine is published 4 times per year by Friends United Meeting.

Friends JournalFriends Journal
Friends Journal is published by Friends Publishing Corporation and is generally associated with Friends General Conference. The goal is to serve the Quaker community and the wider community of spiritual seekers through the publication of articles, poetry, letters, art, and news that convey the contemporary experience of Friends.

Quaker InfoQuaker Info
This website has information and articles by and about Quakers. The site is maintained by Bill Samuel and has articles from all traditions of Friends.